Jumat, 01 April 2016

Tugas Bahasa Inggris


My name’s Putri Alinda from class 1EA10 i’m a student at Gunadarma University majoring in management. I will tell you my daily routines from the time i wake up in the morning until i fall asleep at the night.

I always wake up at 5:00am, after wake up i always pray first before i start the day. I always pray for my successful in life. After prayer, i take my towel with me to the bathroom to take a shower. After done take a bath i put my clothes on, after done with my clothes then i go outside do buy breakfast, it depends on what is at my first sight, then i buy whatever i see first, it can be nasi uduk, chicken poridge or anything can full my empty stomach. After that i go back to my house and get ready to go to campus. But before that i always check on my social media to check some interesting news, if there’s any. After that i’m checking my social media for any news. after that i say goodbye to my parents to go to school but before that i always pray for my safety.

I always use public transportation when i was going to campus. Then i go to my class room and in there some of my friends are already presents, we all wait for the first  lecturer to come and teach us. For about one and a half hours of lectures it finally ends. It’s a lunch time and i decide buy lunch with my friends. Because it’s Monday so there’s only one subject for today. My friends and i always eat at warung teteh, that’s one of our favourite place to eat because it’s cheap. We call it warung teteh because most of the waitress there are women.

After eat our lunch, it’s time for solat/pray dzuhur at the mosque near my campus. After done solat then we head to our respective houses. When i arrive i go straight to my room, i always surf the internet, read some news or something else. Afer that i listen to the music. I always listen to American’s singer such as Justin Bieber and Ariana Grande. Then i start to get sleepy and fall asleep until 5pm. After i wake up i turn on the tv and watch Uttaran. Then around 6pm i pray maghrib, and after that i eat dinner that my mom cook. After that around 7.30pm i pray isya and after that i go back to my room to play a game on my laptop until i feel sleepy and sleep.  The end.


December 18, 2011
My first time to swim in my whole 14 years of living in this world... oh yeah. I swam with my friends, they convinced me to swim. I was dipping my feet in the water, thinking should i go down or not. Then, Someone push me to the pool, I screamed, of course, and thats my first time in swimming pool. They pulled me to the 5ft, the water up to my chest and i can’t breathe... help!!! It is actually fun as long as i stay in the 4ft. Then after swimming or much rather i just stand there or walk... i don’t know how to swim. I tripped/slipped whatever, It earned me two wound on the leg, one big, one small, Luckily i didn’t cried.
Until today the wound is still there. This is embarrasing, But...
This is my unforgettable moment

Ferris Wheel
October 4, 2011
This is the first time i actually rode ferris wheel or other rides, it is fun. In that we have  Octofest(fair), there were 3 rides, booths, games, it was pretty cool.
I go with my friends, we rode the ferris wheel without my parents consent *scream* its was scary and fun
The ferris wheel is fast and weird but whatever, when we reach the top and it stop to let other people ride on the other car, i scream. The fun start and i was ‘fraid i scream and scream oh yeah, i can’t wait for the ride to stop. But finally it stop, and then my friend tell me i look like i had seen one direction, shouting like crazy :))))
Luckily no accidents happen and i was perfectly fine
Haha but i swear i wouldn’t ride ferris wheel again, i’m scared of height :( :D


Everyone has wonderful hopes and dreams of their future. As a typical Aries, I extremely desire everything be perfect, especially my future life. I want to be a successful woman in the future

The meaning of success is quite different for everyone. For me, the fist obvious thing is a good career. I hope i can run my own business and make it to be international in order to earn more money for myself and my family. As a result of being wealthy, i can obtain a higher life standard and it also makes me have the sense of personal achievement

However, being successful is not only means to be rich. I firmly believe that liberty is viral importance of my life. Therefore, i am going to do want i want to do. I do not want to be too busy to spend time with families and friends. I need to enjoy my free time to have parties and family gatherings. Moreover, i am keen to learn different languages, i wish i can have enough time to learn new languages, which can help me to open my mind by communicating with people all over the world and to enrich my life.

Another consideration of being successful is a happy family. I deeply hope i can find my Mr. Right in the future. We will live in a big house with beautiful garden and swimming pool and filled with love. We can raise our children together and get older together. We can work hard during the day and travel around the world in vacation

I strongly believe all these hopes are not just dreams. I have the confidence that I can make them come true through my unrelenting efforts.

Sabtu, 09 Januari 2016

Transportasi Publik yang Terintegrasi, Efektif, Efisien, dan Manusiawi

Permasalahan transportasi selalu terjadi hampir diseluruh kota-kota besar di dunia, dan bahkan sudah dalam keadaan yang sangat kritis. Penyebabnya antara lain: mulai terbatasnya sarana dan prasarana transportasi, urbanisasi yang cepat, tingkat kedisiplinan lalu lintas yang rendah, semakin jauh pergerakan manusia setiap harinya, dan mungkin juga sistem perencanaan transportasi yang kurang baik. Akibatnya kemacetan, tundaan, kecelakaan, gangguan kesehatan, dan permasalahan lingkungan yang tidak dapat dihindari lagi

Karna itu masyarakat perlu teliti dalam hal menggunakan transportasi, guna terhindar dari hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan. Tentunya peran pemerintah juga sangat penting untuk memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat yang akan beraktifitas demi menjaga kelestarian daerah

Jadi menurut saya Transportasi yang tepat adalah KRL Commuterline. Masyarakat sangat terbantu dengan transportasi pemerintah ini. Sudah bukan menjadi rahasia umum bahwa saat ini KRL Commuterline menjadi primadona kendaraan umum di daerah Jakarta dan sekitarnya. Hampir ribuan orang dalam satu harinya dari berbagai golongan masyarakat setiap hari menggunakan angkutan masal ini, mulai dari anak sekolah, mahasiswa, sampai pegawai kantoran pun menggunakan KRL Commuterline. Selain jarak tempuh yang lebih cepat karena akan terbebas dari kemacetan Jakarta, harga tiket nya pun lebih murah sehingga dapat di jangkau oleh semua lapisan masyarakat.

Fasilitas dari KRL Commuterline ini sangat nyaman setelah diperbaharui, sebelumnya fasilitas KRL Commuterline ini jauh dari kata nyaman, dan aman, apalagi adanya tukang asongan yang berlalu lalang yang tentunya mengurangi kenyamanan dan keamanan penumpangnya, jika fasilitas sekarang tentu sangat memuaskan apalagi dengan adanya kereta khusus penumpang yang dikhususkan untuk penumpang perempuan agar terhindar dari hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan dan juga tidak ada lagi tukang asongan yang berlalu lalang di dalam kereta

Untuk harga tiketnya sendiri sangat terjangkau untuk semua kalangan masyarakat, masyarakat hanya perlu membayar Rp. 2000 per 25 km, dan akan ditambah Rp. 1000 per km setelah 25 km,

Namun, Karena banyak nya masyarakat yang menggunakan jasa transportasi ini, sehingga terkadang mereka yang ingin menggunakannya harus saling berbagi tempat, bahkan sampai harus berdesak-desakan dan memaksakan diri agar tetap bisa masuk ke kadalam kereta. Keadaan akan semakin memburuk jika kereta mengalami keterlambatan dari jadwal yang sudah ada, sehingga menimbulkan penumpukan penumpang di stasiun-stasiun. Keterlambatan ini biasanya disebabkan karena adanya gangguan atau adanya kereta yang rusak

Agar tercapainya lingkungan daerah yang nyaman dan aman terutama pada layanan transportasi umum, semoga kedepannya semakin membaik, agar masyarakat merasa aman dan nyaman, dan lebih memilih menggunakan alat transportasi publik dibandingkan pribadi agar terhindar dari kemacetan.